As I touched down in Char De Gaulle I already knew I was in love. Paris is just a place that you already fall in love with before visiting. Me and my love decided about two months ago that we wanted to take a vacation to this glamorous city, so my excitement was at an all time high once we arrived. The weather was chilly in the beginning and got sunnier throughout the trip. Something about this place was so magical. I don't know if it was the history, the fashion or the food but everything was magnifique. With my boyfriend's sister living in the outskirts of Paris and only a 30 min drive away we were just close enough to the city to commute daily. On the first day we got there we were so jet lagged that we had to catch some Zzzs in order to reboot. At night we had Shabbat dinner with the fam and then headed to the Champs Elysees to experience Paris after hours. After taking some pics by the Arc De Triomphe we headed to my all time favorite, Laudree.

If your not familiar with Laudree, here's a quick recap. They invented the perfection of a dessert, which is known today as the French Macaron. Thankfully they finally just opened their first one in Miami Beach on Lincoln Rd. the day I left to Paris.
On Saturday we roamed the Parisian streets with bf's sis and her french hubby who gave us little history bits about all the famous landmarks. We then had a traditional French lunch at the tiniest restaurant ever and headed to the Eiffel Tower. So little did we know the lines are like an hour long just to buy tickets to head to the top. In true Israeli fashion we found a shortcut and 90 euros later made it up to the top in less than 10 minutes. The view was absolutely breathtaking.
Overall Paris was everything I thought it would be and more. It was so nice spending time with family and seeing new places with my love. I will definitely be visiting the city of love and lights again very soon.
Au Revior
If your not familiar with Laudree, here's a quick recap. They invented the perfection of a dessert, which is known today as the French Macaron. Thankfully they finally just opened their first one in Miami Beach on Lincoln Rd. the day I left to Paris.
On Saturday we roamed the Parisian streets with bf's sis and her french hubby who gave us little history bits about all the famous landmarks. We then had a traditional French lunch at the tiniest restaurant ever and headed to the Eiffel Tower. So little did we know the lines are like an hour long just to buy tickets to head to the top. In true Israeli fashion we found a shortcut and 90 euros later made it up to the top in less than 10 minutes. The view was absolutely breathtaking.
That night one of bf's best friends was also in town with his girlfriend and we met up at Hotel Costes for dinner and drinks. Dinner was phenomenal, I had the most glorious truffle risotto that I am still dreaming about. After dinner we asked a bunch of locals what club we should go to and most recommended, Titty Twister. We were all pleasantly surprised how good the music was and enjoyed the atmosphere that differed from Miami's usual vibe.
On Sunday we decided to take the car and explore Paris on our own. We started our touristy tour with the The Louvre. The museum was gorgeous inside and out. We took a look at Mona and looked around a little more. We then headed to Notre Dame and experinced all of its gothic beauty. There was two important French staples I was not willing to leave Paris without and that included a red beret and a lock on the lock bridge. Clearly I managed to get both.
Monday we went to a huge shopping mall near where we were staying and we had to sleep early because we had a train to London at 5 a.m. London was an adventure by itself and that needs a post dedicated soley to London. We got back Wednesday morning and were exhausted by the "adventure" so we hung out around the house and at night we headed to Moulin Rouge!
Moulin Rouge has to be one of my favorite movies ever. Although in Paris the three most popular cabaret shows are Moulin Rouge, Lido and Crazy Horse and we had to decide which one we wanted to go to. I decided to stick with the classic and we got tickets to see the show and sip champagne. I probably haven't mentioned but bf is quite the picky eater and after viewing the prefix menu I knew we were better off grabbing dinner after the 9 o' clock show. The show was fabulous and the setting was so classic. Little tables surrounded the stage and it was intimate setting with only about 200 people in the audience. Unfortunately pictures are prohibited but I snuck a little one in between, I know I'm such a rebel.
Thursday was spent in the beautiful Chateau de Versailles. We got there mid-afternoon and decide to start off with the Garden because there were less peeps. I would definitely recommend renting golf carts like we did because there is so much to see and walking can get exhausting. We ate at the cutest little restaurant nestled in between one of the gardens. Unfortunately the food was not as appealing. We continued to Marie Antoinette's house and finally to the Palace. Everything looked like it was straight out of a movie. Everything was laced in gold and I literally want to recreate the kings manor in my future humble abode, it was gorge.
After a long day in Versailles we headed to dinner at La Cantine with the sis& her hubby.
Friday we slept in and I spent the afternoon helping sis cook for Shabbat dinner. After bf finally woke up we headed to do a little last minute shopping because we were heading to Amsterdam Saturday and Sunday. Amsterdam too deserves its own post so stay tuned. Here is the bf with his newest niece, the cutest and sweetest, Elibelle.
Overall Paris was everything I thought it would be and more. It was so nice spending time with family and seeing new places with my love. I will definitely be visiting the city of love and lights again very soon.
Au Revior
So jealous of your amazing trip to Paris. Seems like you had a great time and made lots of memories. Great pictures too! Can't wait to read about your adventure in Amsterdam!